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Bleach stains on your clothes? Here are 2 tips to save them



Bleach stains can be stubborn and permanently damage your clothes if you don’t take care of them in time. There is a solution to get rid of these unsightly marks. It will be necessary to act immediately for convincing results. Pour cologne on the stain as soon as you see it. Then wash as usual. If the mark does not disappear, rub gently with a cotton pad soaked in household alcohol to reduce the bleached area.
– Sodium thiosulfate and water to reduce a trace of bleach
To get rid of a bleach stain, sodium thiosulfate, a chemical ingredient that you can find in drugstores, can be used. of great help. Mix a tablespoon of this product with a cup of water. Once the preparation is ready, soak a cloth in this mixture and rub it delicately on the whitish mark. Leave on for up to 15 seconds before washing your garment in cold water. To reduce the mark, it is recommended to let your laundry dry in the shade as the sun can spread the mark.
There are other tips for recovering clothing damaged by bleach

Beyond using the ingredients mentioned above, it is possible to use other ingenious techniques to repair a discoloration stain.
1- Household alcohol is ideal for combating traces of bleach.
This ingenious tip is particularly effective for small stains, especially on black, navy blue or gray clothing. Start by soaking a clean cloth with 70° alcohol and gently passing it from the outside towards the center of the bleach mark. You will see that the initial color of your laundry will extend over the stained area. This will color the area bleached by the chemical.
2- Dyeing will allow you to regain the color of your clothing stained by bleach
After having reduced the extent of your bleach stain, it is time to color your clothing damaged by this whitening product. For this, you will need tincture which you can find at the supermarket or drugstore. You will need to choose the one that most closely resembles the color of your fabric. It is also necessary that you obtain a bleach so that the dye is well fixed to the garment. Please note, before applying this tip, it is recommended to wear an apron and white clothes. Follow the instructions on the dye packaging as there are products that require the use of a washing machine and others that must be used in a basin. You will find your favorite black shirt like new!

Precautions to Take When Using Bleach
There are some great tips to avoid these unsightly stains. If you use this whitening product for your laundry, it is recommended that you read the labels on your clothes carefully. And for good reason, some of them may not tolerate this chemical ingredient. It is also important to follow the instructions on the label. When using bleach, it is advisable to wear old clothes in case of splashing and gloves to avoid irritation. It is therefore wise to warn people around you that you are using this product so that they do not come into contact with the cleaned surface.

Continued on the next page



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