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Cracked Heels: Unstoppable Grandma’s Cure



Leave on for around thirty minutes. The best thing is not to try to move and to use this time to relax!
After 30 minutes, remove everything. Your feet will be softer and your heels less hard thanks to the acids contained in lemon and your feet will smell good like lemon.
Finish your treatment by applying a nourishing product to your feet.
Causes of cracked heels
Natural Dry Skin: Some people have naturally dry skin, so their feet are more prone to cracking than others.
Standing for a long time: Standing on hard floors for a long time or in ill-fitting shoes can become a problem as it puts pressure on your heels.
Obesity: Excessive weight can put significant pressure on the feet and cause the feet to expand, leading to cracked heels
Medical Conditions: Certain illnesses such as diabetes, thyroid problems, and skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and athlete’s foot interrupt the ability to produce oils, causing cracked heels.
Aging: The skin loses its natural oils and ability to stretch, leading to cracks in the skin, especially on the heels as you age.
Vitamin deficiencies: Lack of vitamins like vitamin C, A, E and minerals like zinc can affect your heel health.
Continuous exposure to water: When bathing or doing any work that requires staying in water or wet areas for a long time, your skin’s natural oils can be easily lost, leaving skin rough and dry.

Continued on the next page



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